Akashic Wheel of Time


Akashic Wheel of Time Sessions

Past life regression within the Akashic Records, often facilitated through a hypnotic state, is a metaphysical practice aimed at exploring one's past lives and gaining insights into the soul's journey. While experiences can vary, here are some common elements that individuals may encounter during a past life regression within the Akashic Records:

  1. Vivid Memories and Details:

    • Participants often report experiencing vivid memories from a past life, including details such as clothing, surroundings, and significant events.

    • These memories may arise with a level of clarity that feels as real as current memories.

  2. Emotional Resonance:

    • Emotions associated with past-life memories can be intense and immediate. Individuals may feel joy, sorrow, love, or other emotions connected to the events of that past life.

    • Exploring these emotions can lead to healing and a deeper understanding of current emotional patterns.

  3. Symbolic Imagery:

    • Some individuals may not experience detailed memories but instead encounter symbolic imagery or archetypal scenes during the regression.

    • These symbols often hold significant meaning and can be interpreted as representations of lessons, challenges, or guidance relevant to the present life.

  4. Physical Sensations:

    • Participants might feel physical sensations associated with their past-life experiences. This could include sensations like pain, pleasure, or even the feeling of different temperatures.

    • These physical sensations are often linked to the emotions or events being recalled.

  5. Insights into Relationships:

    • Past life regressions may provide insights into current relationships, shedding light on the dynamics and connections that have carried over from previous lifetimes.

    • Understanding the origins of relationships can lead to greater compassion and resolution in the present.

  6. Meeting Significant Figures:

    • Participants may encounter significant people from their past lives, such as family members, friends, or even individuals who played pivotal roles.

    • Interactions with these figures can offer valuable insights into the dynamics of those relationships and their impact on the present.

  7. Life Lessons and Patterns:

    • Past life regressions often reveal recurring life themes, patterns, and lessons that individuals may be working on across multiple lifetimes.

    • Recognizing these patterns can empower individuals to make conscious choices for personal growth and transformation.

  8. Spiritual Insights:

    • Participants may receive guidance or insights from spiritual beings, guides, or higher entities present in the Akashic Records.

    • These insights can provide a broader spiritual perspective on the purpose and meaning of the soul's journey.

It's important to note that the experience of past life regression is highly subjective, and not everyone will have the same level of detail or clarity. The hypnotic state serves as a tool to facilitate access to the Akashic Records, where the information is believed to be stored. The interpretation of these experiences often depends on the individual's beliefs, openness, and receptivity to the process.