Akashic Profile Report


Akashic Profile Report

Unlock the mysteries of your soul with an Akashic Profile Report – a divine journey into the depths of your spiritual essence. Delve into the realms of your past, present, and potential future with this comprehensive report that unveils the hidden facets of your soul's existence.

What's Included:

1. Number of Earth Incarnations:

Discover the number of times your soul has graced the Earth, gaining insight into the rich tapestry of your incarnations and the wisdom accumulated over lifetimes.

2. Spirit Guides:

Uncover the benevolent beings guiding you through your earthly journey. Learn about their roles, messages, and how they contribute to your spiritual growth.

3. Galactic Soul Family Groups:

Explore the cosmic connections that transcend time and space. Identify your soul family groups from the stars and understand the profound impact they have on your current incarnation.

4. Past Life Karmic Overlays:

Gain clarity on past life influences affecting your present experiences. Identify karmic patterns and understand how they shape your current life circumstances.

5. Imprinted Programs and Beliefs:

Illuminate the subconscious programs and beliefs that influence your thoughts and actions. Recognize and release any limiting beliefs that may be hindering your spiritual evolution.

6. Archetype That You Hold:

Discover the archetypal energies that define your soul's essence. Understand how these archetypes influence your personality, relationships, and life path.

7. Soul Expressions:

Dive into the various expressions of your soul, exploring talents, strengths, and areas for growth. Embrace the unique qualities that make you a divine and multifaceted being.

8. Locate Contracts and Relationship Cords:

Identify and release contracts and relationship cords that no longer serve your highest good. Free yourself from energetic ties that may be holding you back from living your truest expression.

What happens after you receive the report?

After you receive the report, you will be able to reach out to me to schedule a follow up zoom call. On this call we will go over follow-up questions you have. You will then receive an energetic clearing and upgrade within the Akashic Records. A very powerful integration will take place.

*PLEASE NOTE! Once you make payment below, check the confirmation email with details on receiving your reading. You WILL need to email me with the following information:

  • Current Legal Name

  • Name at Birth if differs

  • DOB

  • Origin of Birth

    This information gives me permission and access into your Akashic Reading. I WILL NOT email you for this information. Email me at brittani@healinglovelight.com